You must have noticed https:// or http:// in the search bar whenever you are browsing. Both protocols are channels in which a site’s info is exchanged, i.e., between the browser and the server.

While many web users know the protocols, they do not see the difference and understand how they individually work. Here are the differences between http and https and why it is about time you switched to https.

What Do Http and Https Stand for?

HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This protocol allows your browser(client) and the server to communicate with sites on the net. For example, when you use http:// while browsing, the protocol tells the browser to use an HTTP connection.

HTTP was first proposed by the Director of W3C, Tim Berners-Lee. The protocol was documented in 1991 and there have been revisions ever since. Set status codes also alert your browser if your HTTP connection has a problem.

Https is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. Using https:// in the search bar before the domain instructs the browser to use an HTTPS connection. Sites that run over this protocol use a redirecting feature that delivers a secure connection. Netscape Communications created the HTTPS protocol in 1994.

What does http and https stand for

What Is the Difference Between Http and Https?

Concisely, the difference between HTTP and HTTPS is the “s” that stands for “secure.” HTTPS is like HTTP, but with encryption and more browser security. Now, let’s dig into the apparent differences between these protocols.

Type of Connection

HTTPS uses a security mechanism for data encryption, whereas HTTP does not. HTTPS connections are encrypted by TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This protocol uses a decrypted public key that is included in an SSL Certificate and then deployed on the recipient server. HTTP requests are not encrypted or digitally signed.

Operation Layers

HTTP protocol works at the Application Layer (layer 7), but HTTPS works at Transport Layer (layer 4). The application layer has four protocols; HTTP, DNS, FTP, SMTP, and POP. This layer also enables users to log on to the browser site remotely.

The Transport Layer, on the other hand, facilitates communication to the application processes running on different hosts. Hence, it provides transparent data transfer between the end users to the upper layers.

Operation Ports

Both protocols use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to transport data packets over the internet. However, HTTPS operates over port 443 while HTTP operates over port 80. The ports help the computer/PC know what type of data will be transported or deciphered over the connection.

The top difference between the two ports is security. Port 443 connects different users to a secure network, but port 80 does not. If no other port is assigned to HTTP, the protocol uses port 80 by default.

Text Content Type

HTTPS transfers data via cipher text, and HTTP does so over plain text. In simple words, the cipher text is plain text that has been altered (encrypted) only to be readable to the recipient. The plaintext can only be readable to the recipient after encryption or decryption from cipher text.

HTTPS operating over port 443 guarantees that the data transferred is “kept” a secret until it reaches the recipient. HTTP text can be read by anyone other than the recipient because it is not encrypted.


The HTTP protocol is faster than HTTPS, given its simplicity. HTTPS has an extra but advantageous step - TSL(SSL) handshake. This step uses computation power to encrypt data transfer and communication channels.

The speed of the protocols is also dependent on various factors. They include:

● The statistics to dynamic content ratio

● Cache behavior of the client

● The length of the browsing session

● The server software

You can improve HTTPS performance speed by using Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), HTTP/2, HPACK or Brotli compression, and Content Delivery Networks (CDN).

http vs https

Why Is Https Important?

Initially, people used HTTPS for financial transactions done on the internet. Now, the connection protocol is used in nearly all websites. So, what makes HTTPS so important?

It is Better for Your Web Searches

Google’s algorithm makes all sites battle for the top search rank. Sometimes, two sites tie for the top position, and the tiebreaker is usually the HTTPS protocol. If two quality sites earn the top ranking, Google algorithms first rank the one on HTTPS.

AMP Technology Requires SSL

Accelerated Mobile Pages tech enables particular web pages to load quickly on mobile phones. For example, you might have noticed that some search results have a lightning bolt sign. This icon shows they are AMP-ready, and these pages load instantly. HTTPS protocol is one of the criteria an AMP-ready page result should have. So, by using the protocol, web admins make their pages more web-friendly.

It is User-Friendly

Online hacking incidents happen every so often, and users lose data and money. SSL prevents these attacks and keeps internet “eavesdroppers” from interfering with the browser-server communication.

If your site has a log-in feature or accepts credit cards, HTTPS encrypts and secures the data. Users need to be confident that your site is safe enough to protect their details/info.

Google’s Not Secure’ Display

Google displays a “Not Secure” warning on every HTTP page that requires credit card info. Another indication that a site is not secure is a broken padlock icon at the search results bar.

Mobile Indexing

Among user-friendly algorithm updates is indexing mobile versions of every site-and they must be secure. The best option webmasters have is to design using the HTTPS index. For a site to qualify as mobile-indexable, it must secure all its data through encryption.


HTTP and HTTPS indexes are similar, but the latter is better because it's secure. Securing user data is essential if you want a site that will rank well on Google. Encryption fights online attacks and makes a page web-friendly. Browsers encourage users to trust safe sites, so switching to HTTPS is a worthy move. The single stride could save your site.